Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ward's 1968 Liddle Kiddles, Heidi and Pixies Catalog Page

Those Pixie dolls look awfully similar to the Liddle Kiddles!
When a toy is made to look very similar to another toy, 
many collectors call it a clone.  They are still very collectible!


Monday, July 15, 2024

Masters of the Universe Mini Comic - The Clash of Arms 1983 ~ Video & Scans

This little comic book (4x6) came with He-Man action figures.
You can right click and open in a new tab to see the images even larger.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Topps Candy Containers! - Statue of Liberty Version

Do you remember going to the grocery store and buying candy containers in all different shapes and sizes?  I had little trash cans, mailboxes, roller skates, and even a coffin with bones inside!  I never really liked the candy that came inside these, just the little containers themselves.  

I came across a box of these Statue of Liberty containers at a yard sale last weekend. I remembered seeing these sitting on the candy counter at my local grocery store in the 80s, around the 4th of July. So patriotic!!!  I have some in my eBay store if you just have to relive that memory!! 

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Sunday, June 30, 2024

1987 Beetland Li'l Mini Fridge Stationery Set Counter Display


I found one of these cute little mini-fridges at an estate sale a couple of years ago.

Just today, I found a counter display for the same office supplies/toy. 
It's so neat!!  

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