Showing posts with label Thingmaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thingmaker. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Thingmaker Fighting Men by Mattel ~ VIDEO

I found another ThingMaker!  I can't believe it.  This one is called Fighting Men and it makes army men and 40 accessories to go with the army men.  It's a pretty cool set.  I wish I had the Plastigoop needed to put these together.  The more I see of these sets, the more I like them.  I would have been the kind of kid who spent hours making all of the items and then never actually played with them, just made more and more.

Plus, here's the toy catalog that came with it.  I want the fright factory set.  Hey Mom, look at my new shrunken head!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mattel THINGMAKER Fun Flowers 1967 Instructions & VIDEO

 Also check out the Mattel 1967 Toy Catalog that came with ThingMaker.

ThingMaker Fun Flowers Instruction Manual Covers

ThingMaker Fun Flowers Instruction Manual Pages 2-3
ThingMaker Fun Flowers Instruction Manual Pages 4-5
ThingMaker Fun Flowers Instruction Manual Pages 6-7

ThingMaker by Mattel Re-Order Page 1

ThingMaker by Mattel Re-Order Page 2

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