Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

For Christmas “I want an official Red Ryder, carbine-action; two hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time!”

“I want an official Red Ryder, carbine-action; two hundred shot range model air rifle, with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time!” 

It's really the only way to defeat Black Bart!


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

1979 Vintage Sesame Street Decorate A Tree Book

I plan to print a few of these to decorate for Christmas! Right-click and open in a new tab to get it the largest size for printing!


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Herself The Elf 1981 Kiddletoe Christmas Decoration Magazine Ad

If you want to see this close-up or even print it out or save it, 
right-click it and open it in a new tab. You can then click to enlarge or save
at a higher resolution.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Saturday, March 25, 2017

It's 70's Week at Toy-Addict!! ~ VIDEOS

I guess it's 70's week over at my You Tube channel.  
I didn't realize that I was making all 70's videos, until I put up the Andy Gibb
video.  I guess I've been in a Disco mood lately!

This advertising booklet is HUGE!  At 64 pages, it's triple the
size you usually find these!  

I loved Andy Gibb in the 80's.  One of my watchers reminded me that
he was once married to Victoria Principal, fro Dallas.

Cher had some great outfits!
Sonny's were just okay!  I wonder how many people actually bought
a Sonny Bono doll?

I didn't really watch this show.  I was more into The Bionic Woman!
I wish this thing also had that famous bionic sound effect.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Everyone Loves Garfield! ~ Wards 1983 Christmas Catalog

I remember having a garfield pajama, stuffed toys, and I saved up one year and bought myself a Garfield phone.  Remember those?  The ones where his
eyes opened and closed when you picked up the receiver?  It was a bad phone.  You could always hear the radio much louder than the caller.  My brother broke it like a month after I got it.  That was like 40 hours of babysitting money down the toilet.

The underwear picture is weird for a kids section.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

USPS Holiday Mailing Deadlines

Holiday Mailing Deadlines

Mailing in the United States

  • December 15 — USPS Retail Ground
  • December 20 — First-Class Mail®
  • December 21 — Priority Mail®
  • December 23 — Priority Mail Express®

Make sure your mail and packages arrive in time for the holidays by mailing before these recommended deadlines.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas at Toys R Us - Wandering Around the Christmas Toy and Decoration Aisle at Toys R Us VIDEO

I went to Toys R Us the other day to do some shopping and saw all of this super cool stuff on the Christmas Aisle.  It's definitely a Star Wars Holiday. There's lots of Disney's Frozen too!  I saw one lonely Barbie ornament. One little Care Bears ornament.  And lots of Peanuts too!

And Part 2.  Just a shorty of a few more things I found.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Get It Before Christmas! - USPS Shipping Deadlines for Christmas 2015

If you want something in time for Christmas, it must be shipped out by these dates.  Check with your the seller to make sure they will ship on time.
USPS Recommended Shipping Dates for December 24 Domestic Delivery
First Class: December 19
Priority Mail: December 21
Priority Mail Express: December 23
USPS Recommended Shipping Dates for December 24 International Delivery
Priority Mail Express International: December 8

Monday, November 23, 2015

MORE Sears Christmas Book 1954 - TOYS, Sporting Goods, Housewares and Gifts

I am loving the 1954 Housewares!  Also, the toys are amazing!  This was the year of Roy Rogers. Roy Rogers in Toys, clothes, housewares, gifts, pretty much everywhere!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

1954 Sears Christmas Book - Whole Catalog VIDEO

My mom and my sister made some videos covering the entire 1954 Sear Christmas Book Catalog.  This is such a neat book.  I just love to look back and see all of the cool items, fashion, and especially toys!  These are the first few videos.  I will post the rest, including the toys, when  they are done.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Did you want Underoos for Christmas as a kid?

My sister got a pair of Wonder Woman and my brothers had Spiderman and Superman.  I got Strawberry Shortcake Undies instead.  They weren't quite as wild and fun as Underoos.  Did you know they make them now in Adult Sizes?  I saw them at Hot Topic the other day.  So Cool!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Christmas Story, the best Holiday Movie!

Target has some awesome Christmas Story items in their dollar section right now.  They've got notebooks and pens along with stress balls (or bars) and Cookie Cutters.

"Oh Fudge"  Lifebouy Soap shaped stress bar.  Are you supposed to bite it?

Leg Lamp Cookie Cutters.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

1982 ME- "Oh yes! That Michael Jackson doll will be mine!


There are some awesome toys in this 1984 Woman's Day Ad.  I saved forever to get that Garfield Phone.  It got broken in a brawl with my brother.  The Michael Jackson doll was the most popular dude in Barbie Land!  And what can you say about those amazing Cabbage Patch Kids and Koosas!  Well, maybe not the Koosas.  My sister loved them, but I didn't get it.  Why were the pets the same size as the dolls?  They looked so weird!  That Nerf Pool set is pretty awesome too.  I bought it about 10 years ago, at a garage sale, for my afterschool program.  The kids absolutely love it.  And it's Nerf so it took like 5 years to break one of the balls.  And it was probably already like 20 years old then.  Sweet Lego Minifig and Space Ship.  You know how much those minifigs cost now?!?  Did you have any of these toys?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday!

On Sale $34.99
Yes, I shop on Black Friday.  I have been getting up in the wee hours of the morning to shop 'til I drop, every Black Friday for about 15 years.  Maybe longer.  I remember the good old days when stores would give you prizes, merchandise and even cash(gift cards) to come into their store.  We would race around from store to store getting all of the goodies and then do our shopping. And by race I mean it.  We could run from one end of the mall to the other.  Meier & Frank(Macy's) had a $15 gift card and Sears did too, and they both opened at the same time!  There haven't been much in the way of giveaways this year, but plenty of good deals.

The problem with this year was that stores started opening earlier.  I liked it last year.  Stores opened at Midnight and I was done with my shopping by 3am.  I am a night owl, so that's about my bedtime.  This year though, stores opened at 8pm.  Lots of people, still full of turkey, and maybe a little too much liquid holiday cheer, crammed into the stores.  So many people came out for the first time ever and boy were they cranky.  "There's too many people!"  "This is crazy!"  "Why don't they have an unlimited number of these $5 items that usually cost me $40!  What a rip off!"  There were lots of angry faces, lots of grumbling and complaining, lots of bored kids, lots of annoyed husbands, lots of line cutting and rudeness all around. 

Now I miss the days of "Doors Open at 4am".  The grumpy husbands and kids stay home.  There's lots of people bundled up with their coffees, chatting and making new pals while waiting in an ice cold line, too excited for a good deal to be in a crabby mood.

People shouldn't have to leave their loving family early on Thanksgiving to get presents to make their family happy on Christmas.  It makes no sense! 

Retail workers shouldn't have to miss out on Thanksgiving entirely because they have to work, even if some do get paid more to work on that day.

My plea to major retailers, at least hold off until midnight! 
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